About Us
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About Us

profile picture of Vicky

Who we are

VLT LEGAL offers intellectual property law advice and services for small to medium sized businesses and the music and creative sectors.

Victoria spent the early part of her career in the music business before qualifying as a solicitor with London media law firm The Simkins Partnership. After a subsequent period in the publishing sector, Victoria formed VLT LEGAL, and since 2008 has provided a broad range of intellectual property law services to clients in the music and creative industries as well as all types of small to medium sized businesses.

What we do

With over twenty years’ experience in the legal and music sectors, VLT LEGAL is able to provide practical legal solutions to many of the intellectual property issues that a business is likely to encounter,  from trade mark registrations to branding and licensing solutions; and niche music law services to creative businesses, from advice and drafting for all types of music contract to digital rights.

Please see SME Business Services and Music Business Services for more information about the range of services we offer.

How we charge for our services

VLT LEGAL aims to offer a competitively affordable service, and will always give you a realistic estimate before work commences; we also provide our services on a retainer basis where this is more effective for your organisation.

Please contact us on victoria@vltlegal.co.uk or 07887 810020 for more information on services and pricing.